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WhatsApp Channels vs Telegram Channels: Know the Differences

Quick Findings
  • A Telegram channel is better if you want admin comments, view counts, and multiple admins.
  • WhatsApp has a dedicated Channels section where you can discover new channels and see your joined channels.

WhatsApp Channels vs Telegram Channels: Key Differences

Feature WhatsApp Channels Telegram Channels
Engagement and Interaction One-way broadcast One-way broadcast
Six basic emojis
Optional group linking for discussions
Subscribers vs. Followers Followers Subscribers
Privacy of Members and Admin Members and admin anonymity (unless added to contacts) Members and admin anonymity (unless added to contacts)
Optional admin name display in Telegram messages
Visibility in the App Dedicated Channels section No dedicated channel section
Ability to Find and Discover Channels Dedicated Channels section with categories and search Search by name
View Counter Not available (except for admins) View count visible to all
Number of Admins Single admin Multiple admins allowed
Notifications Muted by default There is no dedicated channel section

1. Engagement and Interaction

Both Telegram and WhatsApp channels work in the same way. They provide a one-way medium to the channel creator, aka admin, to send messages to their followers or subscribers. In this one-to-many broadcast feature, the recipients cannot reply to messages sent to the channel.

However, both services offer different interaction or feedback options for messages. In WhatsApp channels, you can interact with six basic emojis. Currently, you cannot interact using custom emojis.

On the other hand, Telegram offers a wide variety of emojis, and the admin can choose which emojis to allow for reactions. Furthermore, the admin can even link a group to the Telegram channels where discussions regarding channel updates can take place.

When a group is linked, subscribers will see a comment button under each post on the Telegram channel.

2. Subscribers vs. Followers

Telegram refers to the participants who join a channel as Subscribers, whereas WhatsApp refers to them as followers. So, you will have X followers on WhatsApp and X subscribers on Telegram.

Tip: Know the difference between Telegram channels and groups.

3. Privacy of Members and Admin

What makes channels different from groups is that members cannot see other participants. This is true for both WhatsApp and Telegram channels. Furthermore, the admin cannot see the participants’ names unless they are added to their contact list. Both services also let you see the total number of members.

Moreover, the anonymity of the admin is also maintained in both services, i.e., participants cannot see who the admin is. The messages are received with the channel’s name. However, Telegram offers a feature that allows users to add their admin’s name to messages.

Tip: Check out 3+ ways to hide WhatsApp chats

4. Visibility in the App

In the Telegram app, you will find no major mention of channels. If you don’t know about this feature, chances are you will never discover channels, as no separate tab lists channels or at least shows popular channels. You don’t even get a separate section to see your joined channels. The subscribed channels will appear in the All Chats section of the Telegram app.

On the contrary, WhatsApp has a dedicated section for channels. Tap on the Updates tab at the bottom, and you will be greeted by the Status and Channels section. Scroll down to the Channels section, and you will see the list of channels you have joined, followed by the Find channels section. Tap on See all to see a whole new world of channels.

5. Ability to Find and Discover Channels

To discover new Telegram channels, use the common search icon at the top of the home screen. Type the channel name, and it will appear in the search results.

WhatsApp has a dedicated Channels section to discover new channels and see your joined channels. What’s even more interesting is that you can filter WhatsApp channels by country. And, of course, the search icon will further let you discover new channels.

6. View Counter

All the subscribers of a Telegram channel can see how many people have viewed each channel message. You will see an eye icon and count at the bottom-right corner of the message. WhatsApp doesn’t offer the channel metrics feature except for admins. But both apps show the number of reactions received on each message.

7. Number of Admins

Telegram lets you add additional admins to a channel. However, this feature is unavailable in WhatsApp channels as of writing this post.

Tip: Know the rights and powers of admin in WhatsApp groups

8. Lifetime of Messages

In both cases (WhatsApp and Telegram), messages will remain on the channel until the admin or the sender deletes them.

9. Notifications

WhatsApp channels are muted by default. If you join a WhatsApp channel, you will not receive its notifications because it is muted. You need to unmute a WhatsApp channel to receive its notifications manually. To do so, open the channel and tap on the bell with a bar icon to unmute it.

On the other hand, Telegram channels aren’t muted by default. However, once you join a channel, you will see a big Mute button at the bottom of the channel. Moreover, you can also send silent messages via Telegram channels.

Similarities Between Telegram and WhatsApp Channels

Type of ContentBoth allow text, links, photos, videos, stickers, and polls.
Number of Channel ParticipantsUnlimited in both
Types of ChannelsBoth allow private and public channels
Message ForwardingForwarded messages include the channel’s name and link.

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Last updated on 09 July, 2024

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