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How to Insert and Edit a Page Border in Microsoft Word

key Takeaways
  • You may pick from a list of different border settings and styles in Microsoft Word.
  • These borders give you decorative lines or designs around the edges of your document pages.

How to Insert a Page Border in Microsoft Word

There are different border settings and styles in Microsoft Word. Select your preferred border feature before adding a page border to your document. Note that a border is different from the page margin.

Step 1: Launch the Microsoft Word app.

Step 2: On the Ribbon at the top, click the Design tab.

Step 3: Click the Page Borders option in the Page Background group.

Page borders word option

Step 4: In the Borders and Shading dialog box, click the Page Border tab.

Page Border word option

Step 5: Next, in the Setting section, select your preferred option. The Border Setting section determines the vividness of your border.

Available page Border option

Step 6: In the Style section, scroll through the section and select the thickness of the border lines.

Border style options

Step 7: In the Color section, click the drop-down menu and select the preferred color for your border. If you do not select a border color, the default color will be black.

Border color option

Step 8: In the Width section, click the drop-down > select the preferred width for the border lines.

Note: The initial thickness of the border width is connected to your border style.

Border Width options

Step 9: In the Art section, click the drop-down and select the preferred graphic for the border. Note that this is optional; if you choose an art feature, the style and color options will no longer be available.

Page border Art option

Step 10: After selecting your preferred design elements for the page border, check its final look in the Preview section.

Border Art section

Step 11: Select or deselect the boxes in the Preview section to determine the page margins with borders.

chosing margings and borders

Step 12: In the Apply to section, select where you would like the border to feature from the following options:

  • Whole document
  • This section
  • This section – First page only
  • This section – All except first page

Step 13: Finally, click OK to save your changes.

Save border changes

How to Edit a Page Border in Microsoft Word

If you would like to change certain things related to the appearance of a page border, follow the same steps to add a page border. However, if you would like to adjust the distance between the page border and the page margin, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: On the Word Ribbon, click the Design tab.

Step 2: Click the Page Borders option in the Page Background group, then wait for the Borders and Shading dialog box to open.

Page borders in Word

Step 3: In the Borders and Shading dialog box, click the Page Border tab.

Page Border  option

Step 4: Click Options at the bottom-right > wait for the Border and Shading Options dialog box to launch.

Options button for borders

Step 5: In the Margin section, click the toggles beside Top, Bottom, Left, and Right to determine your margin.

Border margin options

Step 6: In the Measure from section, click the drop-down > choose where you want your border to start from.

Measure from border options

Step 7: Preview your selections in the Preview section.

Border preview section

Step 8: Finally, click OK to save your changes.

Save border changes

How to Remove a Page Border in Microsoft Word

Step 1: On the Word Ribbon, click the Design tab.

Design menu in Word

Step 2: Click the Page Borders option in the Page Background group, then wait for the Borders and Shading dialog box to launch.

Page Borders option

Step 3: In the Borders and Shading dialog box, click the Page Border tab.

Page Border tab

Step 4: In the Setting section, click on None.

Remove borders option

Step 5: Lastly, click OK at the bottom of the dialog box, and the border should be removed.

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Last updated on 05 August, 2024

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